3. Respect and dignity

Respect and dignity in rehabilitation means recognizing the capacities of the person while making every effort to respect and promote the person’s will and preference doing nothing to undermine it.

Importance of treating a person with Respect and Dignity

  1. Promotes coping with an illness
  2. Encourages persons to make choices about the care they receive
  3. Creates a healthy environment in which persons feel cared for as individuals

The following are ways to ensure dignity and respect in the rehabilitation setting:

  1. Listen and take into consideration what the person says
  2. Include the person in the conversation. Don’t talk about the person as though he is not there.
  3. Even if you are not sure how much the person understands, speak to him as an adult.
  4. Involve the person in decision making
  5. Give the person the freedom of choice and respect it even if you disagree
  6. Give the person privacy
  7. Treat the person the same as everyone else


  • Have you ever been in a situation where you felt disrespected or treated without dignity?
  • How did you feel?
  • How can you use that experience to improve upon the rehabilitation care given to persons who need it?